Snapdragons Nursery

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The fruits of our labour

Let’s talk about apples. If you don’t have an apple tree in your garden, you are sure to know of one growing nearby: on your daily walk, in your place of work, near your house or maybe a friendly neighbour. The windfall of apples scattered on the floor is a tale tale sign of an apple tree nearby, just look up! With the wiggly, gnarley branches, that bend and stretch into the craziest angles making the apple tree a wonder.

As winter temperatures remain low, the bud remains dormant with the delicate blossom hidden inside royally protected by a tough outer bud casing. Towards the end of March, dormancy is well and truly broken. The fruit bud shows a first flash of green as leaf-tips begin to emerge. As springtime light levels increase, things start speeding along, leaf development now becomes rapid. New leaves form at the tip of the shoot, the tightly furled blossom buds are now visible. The delicate petals swarm the canopy of the apple tree, and before you know it the tiny apples will be maturing into big juicy ones, each tree and apple unique in its own particular way. It is truly a wonderful process!

A windfall of apples is a perfect opportunity, just take some bags or baskets with you and start gathering, don’t forget to take some little helpers along too, it will make the job quicker and more enjoyable. Take this time to take a breath, and use this as a mindful activity with your little ones, take it slow and enjoy, noticing features on the apples; bruises, insect marks, the colours marbling through the skin. Often you will find people wanting to get rid of apples from their houses, so look out for generous donations. To note, ensure you ask land owners permission before you start picking.


Now let’s talk about apple pressing and the joys that a crisp cup of freshly pressed apple juice brings to some tiny faces as they fight the urge to lick their lips over and over again. If you are lucky enough to spot an apple press at a car boot sale or charity shop, make the purchase, even if it gathers dust in the winter months it is a perfect piece of kit to have for the first windfall of apples that litter the floor, fill up a BIG wheelbarrow and get squashing .

With apple pressing - preparation is key, pick the finest apples and turn them into a pulp, you may want to cheat a little and use a kitchen grater, or my favourite way is to put chopped up apples into a big tub and use a large stick and BASH it up. Perfect for getting the children involved too!

Watch the video for the tastiest apple juice ever made….